Monday, March 1, 2010

How things are trying to shape up

Reading the editorial in the Dallas News made a point about how Obama has a good head on his shoulder and to have stronger people in the debt panel to make a better solution. Which, he points out some people on the panel are from Democrat and Republican party that would make a difference in trying to make our national debt drop instead of increasing. In the article he’s trying explain how the people are voted on to panel that consists of 18 members. He’s even suggesting that they should go through the tougher votes instead by passing the tough votes and not doing anything about it. Also saying that the public need to stand up and look for the realistic answers from our government. I think he has a good argument about how Obama is trying to turn our country to the positive where us as a nation are trying to have product made in the U.S. and increase our income. It would even help us in Social Security and Medicare to have more money for all us in the long run.