Friday, May 14, 2010

Gay marriages

Learning about how gays are having a difficult time trying to get married or divorce in some areas of Texas. Looking at this makes me wonder why should it be so difficult for gay people to get a license for them to get married between both genders. If you allow them to get married in San Antonio but not divorce in El Paso, why isn’t it equal? You should let them get married and divorce in the same city. Seeing this article from my colleague page makes me to agree with them to make it equal in all places. All states should pass the law for gays to get married and divorce. They should have the same privilege just like the rest of us.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Border Control

There is all ways a controversy problem that is an issue which it is hard to resolve like how to control the border. How do we deal with this issue that no one can find an answer? May be try to compromise on both sides to find a resolution to this problem. We just can not think that it will fix it’s self over night. Think of all those people that came over to migrant to this country that wanted a better life for their future that they could not get else where. For an example my mother came over to the U.S. to have better chances to enjoy life and ended up having me here. She looks back at that time and is grateful that she never turned back. But, the choice she made ended up giving her a better life here then where she is from. Which, I do not understand is that these people that come over in our country and do jobs that others are not willing to do also even getting under paid. Yet, where does it say in the constitution that we have to kick people out if they are here illegal when all of us at one point in time were doing that same thing. Our country is a melting pot we accept others culture even though we disagree but they are our family that makes this country what is it today. Let’s say that we enforce for all the illegal people to pays taxes just like the rest of us since are living here and working. If we did that it might help to make them realize that there going to have to deal with the paying taxes just like everyone is doing. But if we put laws like how Arizona did that I saw in that Statesman people are going to protest and boycott. If law makers could see both side of street may be they would have a better understanding and not make it so difficult.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Who's well suited to be our Governor

Reading my colleague article make me really think that I disagree about keeping Perry in office. Some things that Perry did for our Texas are good but, the long that Perry is in office the more Perry gets off the main issues that are important to the citizen of Texas. Even having a new governor will look at different issues that need to be brought to the attention of the citizen of Texas. Even some one new in the governor office will try to have different ideas that could make our state just a little better. For an example looking at our education budget it seem like every single time I hear them cut back in education budget, when they should learn how to preserve the education for all the kids in the future. Instead of cutting on the school budget it should be cut on some where different in other programs that are not being needed is some areas of the government. I thought we were supposed to look for our kid’s future so one day they can see what we did for their education. Listening to an interview that Bill White had with the Texas Tribune saying that if he was in office that the first thing that he would work on is education budget. That’s one thing that I would look for in a governor that is willing to make changes and in a fashionable time. Since, I use to live in Houston when Bill White became mayor of Houston you saw first hand how he changes the city to more efficient on its own. If Bill White can deal with Mother Nature damaging the city you can tell that he’s able to control and work through any situation it builds up leader ship that maybe he can better for our state.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Future for our kids

Seeing how our state is preparing to deal with our school budget makes me think that. Do they really care for our kid’s education in the future? You have to think about that these kids in the future and what will happen when they are our position. How will they deal with when programs are cut that meant for them and help them to have a better future? Those programs are there to help those kids that have problem and when you take those away all your going to have is people that do not understand how this government works which will lead them to not see eye to eye on things if we do not start at the beginning just like how people are elected to the office they are start off as going to kids first. It seems to me that everyone thinks that the best way is to just cut and cut when we can find alternative ways to make up our school budget. In review of the website opened a bigger picture to me showing all the ranking of the districts. Looking at this grid shows what districts are getting more money and others are getting less. I get that some districts are small are unfortunate to get the help that they need which makes me believe that the better that the school is better our future to our children are. Obviously you have to provide the same material for every school and not leave any kid behind. Not providing the things they need use to grow up will not help them in the future. So saying that I think we could try to make ever district the same, even equal, or the even better. We really need to look at the bigger picture and figure out how we can make our budget work and not let down the kids. If we look for example from other states we can maybe fix our problems and not cut programs that are important to our kids future.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our School System

Learning that our school system is short about 11 billion dollars in the Houston Chronicle. Which know we have to find different alternatives to make up the budget due to the recession. Even the biggest strain that has been put on is shifting the local school property taxes to the state especially when it cost the school $7.1 billion annually. Seeing how they try to make up the revenue by raising business, cigarette taxes and motor vehicle sales which they thought would bring up about 60 percent of the cost. The result ended up the being that the new business were underperforming and lacking 36 percent. Looking at this from being a former student, which it would mean that some of the learning programs that helped out students to learn and be able to function in life. The thing that bugs me is that it will take us up to 6 years for the state to climb out of the recession. I think that we could find ways to make up the gap for our children in the future to have a good system and those programs will not be cut.

Monday, March 1, 2010

How things are trying to shape up

Reading the editorial in the Dallas News made a point about how Obama has a good head on his shoulder and to have stronger people in the debt panel to make a better solution. Which, he points out some people on the panel are from Democrat and Republican party that would make a difference in trying to make our national debt drop instead of increasing. In the article he’s trying explain how the people are voted on to panel that consists of 18 members. He’s even suggesting that they should go through the tougher votes instead by passing the tough votes and not doing anything about it. Also saying that the public need to stand up and look for the realistic answers from our government. I think he has a good argument about how Obama is trying to turn our country to the positive where us as a nation are trying to have product made in the U.S. and increase our income. It would even help us in Social Security and Medicare to have more money for all us in the long run.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Census director tries easing fears of immigrants

Looking at this article made me realize that some members of our government office are trying to make a difference in how we can communicate to people. Seeing that the Census Bureau director is trying to get more areas in the valley to be accounted for since in the past it has not. It would help our state if they were accounted to bring in more money for funding. When immigrant occupy the rural areas they are afraid to talk to any one that works for the government when they fear for their life to be taken away from everything they know. If we can gain the trust from the people that live in that area just maybe we can get an accurate reading of how many people live in our state.

Pushlished by Asscoiated press