Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our School System

Learning that our school system is short about 11 billion dollars in the Houston Chronicle. Which know we have to find different alternatives to make up the budget due to the recession. Even the biggest strain that has been put on is shifting the local school property taxes to the state especially when it cost the school $7.1 billion annually. Seeing how they try to make up the revenue by raising business, cigarette taxes and motor vehicle sales which they thought would bring up about 60 percent of the cost. The result ended up the being that the new business were underperforming and lacking 36 percent. Looking at this from being a former student, which it would mean that some of the learning programs that helped out students to learn and be able to function in life. The thing that bugs me is that it will take us up to 6 years for the state to climb out of the recession. I think that we could find ways to make up the gap for our children in the future to have a good system and those programs will not be cut.

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